
Process initiatives

The most probably most well know entry point to Process-management for most companies is via an external demand. These demand come usually with Initiatives and/or Quality certification projects. Such initiative include

  • ISO certifications
  • SOA (Sarbanes-Oxley Act) requirements
  • Quality Management (QM)
  • BCP (Business continuity planning)
  • ICS (Internal control systems)

All of them focus on a different aspect of a common topic. They all focus on Processes.

  • ISO maintains consistent application of defined processes
  • SOA maintains processes ensuring Financial report relevant output
  • QM maintains processes ensuring Performance Quality
  • BCP maintains processes ensuring preventive as well as contingent measures for disasters
  • ICS maintains processes ensuring Cost effective cost-controlling

While each of these initiatives covers its responsibility area and results in a set of defined processes in the format needed for each initiative, there is no defined initiative which binds all of them together, making them aspects / views on processes rather then being their driver.

This "missing" initiative is a qualified proper Process management which ensures completeness and sensible selection of core processes.

With a proper process management in place, the fulfilment of the above mentioned initiative will only be a derivate or view on the processes managed via Process management and hence there will not be the danger that each initiative develops its own processes, often resulting in 2 or 3 different processes for the same underlying activity. Needless to say that in such a case consistent application of such processes is not to be expected.

A comprehensive Process Management Program is the solution to these problems.


Process management Program

A process management program addresses the following aspects

  • Process-management organization
  • Process-Portfolio and Target setting
  • Process Documentation
  • Process performance controlling
    • Process-metrics and KPIs
    • Measurement of Process performance
  • Process Optimization
  • Harmonization and Standardization of Methods and Tools
  • Program management / Internal communication / Qualification
  • Data-Management
    • Harmonization and standardization of Data-formats
    • Data responsibility and integrity
  • IT Architecture


You will be ready with well prepared documentation for any Audit

You will work on essential processes and won't be sidetracked by seemingly "urgent" topics

You will have a concise system of well maintained and non-redundant processes.

The processes will be understood throughout the Organization

You have tools an methodologies to measurably improve your process quality and hence your performance.

 ..... and many more. 

Click here to view a an abundance of statements on the importance of process management.

AgooThai can provide to you this service
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